PiYo Nutrition Guide with Diet Plan

There are varied goals in doing a workout, to get an amazing transformation or to reduce the weight by few pounds? Only when we start the diet plan and execute the things in gym according to our goal, you’ll expect better results. PiYo is a dedicated nutrition plan designed for any kind of workout and attains best results.

PiYo is total body fitness guide designed for changing your shape from head to toe. It comes from the name of Pilates and Yoga. This helps to build your strength, lose your weight, attain flexibility and you can have great moments while doing these. This was created by the founder of Turbo Kick system, Chalene Johnson. This was designed in such a way that mind and body get mutual benefits of both yoga and Pilates. But, this PiYo nutrition guide will give a higher-energy and higher-sweat class.

When we personally are interested in losing some extra weight, the first doubt that raises in our mind is, ‘Will it change my body shape abnormally?’.So, in PiYo Nutrition Plan, the points that focussed mainly are
  • ·         Good Health
  • ·         Weight Loss

Tips for getting Started:
  • ·         Select your calorie goal for the day. This states to calculate the number of calories you need to intake.
  • ·         If your calorie goal is less than 1200, then you should start with 1200. This is because 1200 is a minimum amount of calorie intake for the sustaining of muscles and the hard work. So, you should not intake your calories below 1200.
  • ·         Now, you need to plan your diet according to the PiYo Nutrition Guide and need to fuel your body.
  • ·         If you’re already started with making a count of calories you’re taking daily, you should continue with it.
  • ·         For some people, making this count of calorie intake can be very tired and frustrating. While some feel this as inspiring and next step for their transformation.
  • ·         Only when they have faith in themselves, they can put their heart completely on it and work on it. So, PiYo Nutrition Guide focuses mainly on the quality of food rather on quantity of food.

For getting more inspired on starting with the PiYo Nutrition Guide, you need to check this link: http://www.ashleysweeneyrd.com/freshRstart/ and get started with this plan.
Consider the following diet plan:

Breakfast includes ¼ cup steel-cut oatmeal (secondary vegetables and grains), 2 hard boiled eggs (Lean Protein), 1 cup cooked spinach (Primary Vegetables)
Mid morning snack includes 1 scoop Shakeology (Lean Protein), 1 cup strawberries with Water and ice (Fresh Fruit)
Lunch includes 3 oz grilled chicken breast (Lean protein), 1 tsp olive oil with lemon (Healthy Fats), 10 large asparagus spears, grilled (Primary Vegetables)
Afternoon snack includes Raw almonds (Healthy fats), 1 small apple (Fresh Fruit), 1 cup sliced bell peppers (primary vegetables)
Dinner includes 4 oz grilled tilapia (lean protein), 1 tsp olive oil with lemon (healthy fat), ½ cup cooked lentils (Secondary vegetables and grains), 1 cup cooked broccoli and carrots (primary vegetables)

The PiYo Nutrition Guide includes four “plans”. You choose the “plan” that matches your calorie target.
  • Plan A: 1,200 - 1,399 calories
  • Plan B: 1,400 - 1,599 calories
  • Plan C: 1,600 - 1,799 calories
  • Plan D: 1,800 + calories*
While following this calorie intake, you can check the calorie tracker at www.myfitnesspal.com and can be helpful for you to ensure to maintain ratios of 40% carbs, 35% protein, and 25% fat.

PiYo Nutrition Guide for Preggo:

Though PiYo was very fine to follow even while times of pregnancy, there has to be little additional tips to follow than before you’re pregnant. For a pregnant lady, she should gain around 5 pounds in the first trimester and around 2 pounds in the next trimester. But during the last trimester, she should gain around 2 pounds per week and this is very crucial period. This sums up to additional 400 calories per day which will be sufficient for the whole period. So, you should consult your doctor and discuss on how much weight you should gain during this period for the healthy growth of the baby. There are also some pregnant ladies who’ll be obese, they need to control their diet according to the special guidelines in the PiYo Nutrition Guide for Pregnant ladies and follow them. 
In simple words, you should opt for the next level in the diet plan. If you’re preferring for calorie target of 1400- it comes under Plan B. Then you should follow Plan C.


When you follow the PiYo Nutrition Guide, the first thing you should follow is to get habituated to Shakeology. It’ll not only help in getting better results while this program, it’ll further help with overall health. You should not get ambiguated with diet shake and nutrition shake. So, you should take this shake and help to curb your cravings and it helps in improving digestion, improve regularity. Boost immune system improves the overall quality of health and nutrition.  It is the blend of one scoop consisting of secondary veggies and grams, 2 servings of fresh fruit and one serving of lean protein.
PiYo is not same as the simple blending of yoga and Pilates in many ways. Other than the simple blending of them together, it adds to them the special components of martial arts and dances. It has its own pride using the mainstream music and upbeat rather using traditional ways of zen yoga music. Thus, it keeps the students excited during the complete process of the workout.

You should consider these following food items that are rich in ‘lean proteins’ - Quinoa, Beans, Lentils, Edamame, Eggs, Greek yogurt plain, Cottage cheese, Tempeh, Tofu, Protein powder, Ricotta cheese, Veggie burgers, Soya milk, Nutritional Yeast, Hemp seeds, and Chia Seeds.

This PiYo adds strength to the total body with its workout. Some techniques like a plank, side plank, lunges, core work, and squats play a key role in engaging both smaller and larger muscles of the body. Your body develops its own resistance for all struggles and increases the amount of strength building.


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