Planning and Discussion of Unit Heads about Schools Vision and Mission

When we think of a school, we’ll generally picturize classroom with teachers. But that isn’t the fact. A school will be run by many Non-teaching departments like Security, housekeeping, Cafeteria service, IT and sports among others. It is the working of all these departments and their mutual coordination between themselves, that makes the school run properly. It is surprised to know that there Non-teaching members as many as teaching staff in U.S. Public schools.

Some of the Non-teaching staff play a crucial role in helping the students to learn and fulfill their dreams of the life. To get an idea of all the members in schools, Though Academic Staff comes at the top, the other supporting departments like Librarians, Special Education instructional aides, clerical staff, counselors, and coordinators will be guiding the school progress. Schools also include the health department and coordinators for social values, psychological support, and security personnel.  

The main roles undergone by all these non-teaching staffs includes
  • ·         Budget: It’ll be given to a school altogether. It is the responsibility of Accounts department for their collaboration in distributing this budget to all departments in a rightful proportion.
  • ·         Classroom Safety: The department of Security is required to ensure the safety of students and preventing them from indulging in any unauthorized activities.
  • ·         Student Personal Problems: Counsellors should meet the students regularly and ensure that they are mentally stable with any issues. Core values of the students should be improved.
  • ·        Curriculum Planning: All the schools in a state should meet at least twice in a year and should encourage collaborations. It is only when the school's collaboration take place and the students are exchanged, mutual knowledge sharing will take place. This results in improving the graduate attributes.

Even in the intra-school meetings, all the departments should discuss their problems and should prevent them from influencing on the problems of other departments.


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